Time is right for this movie because some states have an effort to only teach about how slaves gained skills.
This movie features 12 rich black folks who lived in the 1800s.
Inspiring, educational and entertaining.
Expected release by February 1st, 2024
Written and directed by Anthony Brogdon, Produced by Strong Productions
You can get your name in the film's credits, buy a patron ad (see below)
The movie has a cast of 30 talented actors and an experienced production crew. Filming began on July 29th and should be complete by the end of August, then weeks of editing. Our goal is to premier the movie by end of October in Detroit, then on to Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York City. We hope for national distribution on Tubi and Amazon. Also, non-profits and churches will be able to host screenings as a fundraiser.
Madam CJ Walker, Annie Malone, William Leisdoroff, Robert Reed Church, Andrew Foster, Rev. Preston Taylor, Frank McWorter, Hannah Elias, Elizabeth Keckley, Junius Groves and Booker T. Washington.
Anthony Brogdon is the director.
Film credits include The Great Detroit documentary 2014 and Business in the Black documentary 2017. Mr. Brogdon produced and directed the stage play, "They Did It" which happen on June 3rd at the Detroit Public Theatre to a packed audience.
Financing for the film was provided by Anthony Brogdon and by people who purchased a patron ad. Total budget is roughly $50,000.
Talented actors casted in the movie
Talented actors casted in the movie
Talented actors casted in the movie
Talented actors casted in the movie
Talented actors casted in the movie
Talented actors casted in the movie
Talented actors casted in the movie
Talented actors casted in the movie
William McLin plays Booker T. Washington. Here's a clip shot at a rehearsal for the stage play.
Visually appealing
You'll hear ever word
We are seeking financial assistance to help cover production cost.
Name listing is on first come first served basis. When you purchase an ad we immediately send you a thank you letter and throughout production we stay in touch on our progress, etc. Deadline is end of edit phase.
Name listed in film's credit as Bronze Supporter
Name listed in film's credit as Silver Supporter, 2 VIP tickets to a premier
Name listed in film's credits as Gold Supporter, 4 VIP tickets to a premier.
Name listed on all marketing material as Executive Producer
Name listed on all marketing material as Associate Producer
Name listed on all marketing material as Producer
Copyright © 2025 Strong Productions - All Rights Reserved.
Inspiring, Educational and Entertaining